Repair Replace Repower
Small Engine Warehouse offers repair and replacement services and products. They have two sections to their site: new equipment and an extensive list of replacement parts for older equipment. Both sections of the site needed unique customizations. (See the dropdown for the Repower section). The header contains a large search box, and a very dense, custom dropdown navigation. The item list uses a 3rd-party filter system (they had before hearing about our much superior system) which we had to make responsive on our own.
The item detail page contains all the data the customer needs to make a purchase decision. The stock message has been customized to appear differently based on specific circumstances. Our Fixed Add-to-cart box appears whenever a user scrolls past the normal add to cart button, so even handhelds have an easy way to order. The shopping cart, checkout and customer center uses SiteBuilder Extensions (Elbrus), with a few customizations.
The site is dual language using a combination of NetSuite's language fields with our unique language selection process and additional content switching. Even the elements not controlled by NetSuite are changed when the language is changed.