Furniture and Decorations from Spain
Though this NetSuite SiteBuilder site is 'desktop-only' (fully responsive site with SiteBuilder coming soon) it is still a beautiful site. The header has our global site search, and custom drop-down navigation. The homepage has typically seen animations and a handsome footer. The category list have a subtle on-hover effect AND copies the appropriate top navigation to the left side bar for easy navigation through the categories.
The category list and item list templates uses our unique, SiteBuilder filters/facets. (All data stays internal to NetSuite so your business data is secure and under your control - always - with NO EXTRA MONTHLY FEES.) Unique add to cart functionality allows the user to easily purchase multiple items from the same page, and see their mini cart no matter how far down they scroll.
The item list template is nicely styled, with pricing with and without VAT. The item detail page includes extra zoomable images, the main image & stock availability changes upon matrix selection. Speaking of which, once one matrix option is selected, only the other options that are valid items are activated. That is one of our unique customizations. At this moment, only current customers with accounts can add to the cart and checkout. The cart and checkout uses the SCA for SiteBuilder (Vinson) customized to display extra custom item fields AND the image of the matrix option you ordered.